Sunday, June 14, 2009


ever done something for the first time in a long time?
you walk into it thinking "i got this... i'm a beast, this will be eaaaasyy..." while imagining those shots shwishing through the net or those hits soar past the final, fence?
and then BOOM.
it hits you.
....this was NEVER as easy as you thought it would be.

and all of a sudden,
it's new again.

guess what, guys?
i'm a noob at the whole making friends thing.
i'm guessing you probably wouldn't think it though... at cannon, i'm fine. i'm loud, i'm crazy, and [dare i say] i would consider myself at least acquaintences with everyone there.
but here... here, i'm a loner, kids!
i've totally forgot how to meet people. '

today i pulled the most epic noob moment ever hahahaha. i walk into the cafeteria. and it's just how it is on mean girls, or any of those movies... i scanned all of the faces and none of them registered. none of them clicked. so i panicked. PANIC PANIC PANIC and sprinted to the soda machine, swig down a glass of diet coke, and bolt out of that dining hall faster than anyone could've seen that deer in the headlights look on my face.
i'm supposed to be good at this! i'm supposed to be outgoing and confident and all of that!
but... alas, i suck.
but more importantly, i'm more than willing to relearn. i'm gonna have to grow a pair and just make the seemingly [but actually excruciatingly awkward and painful] first move:
"Hi, I'm Camille, what's your name?"
and realize that the world will not tremble,
lightning bolts will not strike,
and the heavens will not fall,
as long as i just do it.


  1. Uggh! It is hard to make friends at the cafeteria. I usually like to insert myself into a conversation with a witty comment or relevant anecdote. But other than that, no friends are better than the present.

  2. Yes, making friends in general is pretty difficult :/

    I usually just wait, watch, and observe, until I can find other people with relatively similar interests.

    Or, just wait for a more extroverted person to approach you first.
